TWO teenagers left a man in a ‘life threatening’ condition after stabbing him in the street in Wilmslow.

The victim was knifed in the chest on Foden Walk in Wilmslow at around 12.50am on Tuesday, January 24, this year.

The 26-year-old man had to undergo surgery in hospital for a punctured lung and stomach.

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The pair appeared at Chester Crown Court on Thursday, August 31 for sentencing.

A 17-year-old from Wilmslow, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was sentenced to six years after previously pleading guilty to section 18 assault and possession of a bladed article.

Cameron Newman, of Beresford Road, Manchester, was jailed for six years and nine months after admitting section 18 assault and possession of a bladed article.

Knutsford Guardian: Cameron Newman was also sentenced for possessing cannabisCameron Newman was also sentenced for possessing cannabis (Image: Cheshire Police)

He was also sentenced for possession of cannabis.

Police were called to the scene of the serious assault and from their initial enquiries, the youth and Newman were identified as the offenders.

Newman was arrested nearby, and a small amount of cannabis was found in his possession.

A police dog tracked the youth to a nearby garden.

Upon arrest, the 17-year-old admitted assaulting the victim.

A knife matching the description of the weapon used in the assault was recovered from a rear garden near to where the pair were detained.

A mobile phone belonging to Newman was seized and messages indicated him and the youth had been planning to harm the victim.

They were both charged on Wednesday, January 25.

Detective Constable Jade Bannerman said: “Incidents of this nature are rare in the Wilmslow area, and I hope that the conclusion of this case will provide reassurance to the community.

“I welcome the sentences handed to the two defendants, who clearly showed no concern for their victim, leaving him in a life-threatening condition.

“Following the ordeal, the victim was conveyed to hospital and required surgery to treat his injuries.

“Officers worked tirelessly to complete extensive enquiries and compile a comprehensive file of evidence.

“Due to the investigation team’s diligence, both suspects pleaded guilty to section 18 assault and are now facing the consequences of their actions.”