A FREE emergency scheme which could save lives has been revived.

‘Message in a Bottle’ has been re-launched after being paused during the pandemic.

This free scheme set up by Lions clubs across the UK helps the emergency services find out crucial details about a person in the event of an accident or sudden illness.

It is particularly useful for people living on their own.

Knutsford Guardian: Denise Lambert, social prescriber at Knutsford Medical Partnership, encourages patients to pick up a bottle from the waiting room at their surgeryDenise Lambert, social prescriber at Knutsford Medical Partnership, encourages patients to pick up a bottle from the waiting room at their surgery (Image: Supplied)

A special bottle is provided to store details of key medical conditions, allergies and where tablets are kept.

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The information is kept in the bottle inside the fridge.

Stickers are provided which should be displayed on the inside of the person's front door and on the front of the fridge so paramedics know where to find it.

The scheme is recognised by paramedics, firefighters, police and social services.

More than five million bottles are currently in use across the country.

All four GP surgeries of Knutsford Medical Partnership, Knutsford Community Hospital and Knutsford Lions have a stock of bottles.

Knutsford Guardian: The bottles contain medical and personal details for paramedics in an emergencyThe bottles contain medical and personal details for paramedics in an emergency (Image: Supplied)

Bottles can be obtained by emailing knutsford.lions@gmail.com.

Knutsford Lions president Paul Buttrick said: “We’re really pleased to reintroduce this scheme with the help of Knutsford Medical Partnership, having had to pause it during the pandemic.”

Denise Lambert, social prescriber at Knutsford Medical Partnership said: “The scheme is so simple but effective and potentially lifesaving.

“Our patients can pick up a bottle from the waiting room at their surgery, take it home and immediately fill in the information and put their bottle in the fridge.”