WITH all the opinions on dogs in Tatton Park which have been aired recently, I am surprised no-one has mentioned ‘The Countryside Code’ which surely should be applicable in Tatton Park as wild animals and livestock are present.

The code requires dogs to be kept under control, wildlife to be protected and other people to be considered.

As a non-dog owner who lives very close to Dog Wood and who is happy to share their local park with responsible dog walkers I found the original letter to be impolite.

I don’t see why I should avoid going to read a book in my local park because I don’t want a dog jumping on me with its muddy paws (many dog walkers arrive in cars so obviously aren’t that local.) Also, the name ‘Dog Wood’ does not mean it’s a wood popular with dog walkers as the writer seems to think, it’s a common name for Cornus which is a genus of about 30 to 60 species of woody plants, nothing to do with Canis lupus familiaris (domestic dog.) Jen D’ Angelo Kestrel Avenue Knutsford