MANY readers will have seen the recent good news about new vaccines for meningitis for babies and students.

At charity Meningitis Now, we welcome this news but we also want to issue a against complacency towards the disease.

These new vaccines do not mean meningitis is beaten and we would urge parents, students and teachers to be vigilant to the signs and symptoms and download our free mobile app or request a symptoms card.

The meningitis risk increases during the colder months as people spend more time indoors, closer to others; meaning germs are spread more easily.

Fighting common infections like colds and flu weakens immune systems, leaving them more vulnerable to the disease.

It can be a difficult disease to spot as many of its early symptoms can be similar to those of flu.

Our advice is not to wait for a rash, the symptom most commonly associated with meningitis.

Meningitis Now’s free signs and symptoms phone app and credit card-sized signs and symptoms cards are available on 0808 80 10 388, or visiting Sue Davie Meningitis Now