IT IS devoutly to be wished that the season of goodwill should descend upon us soon, and that it should descend particularly upon our highways department.

Back in September, a street light failed in our road. It lights, or rather lit, a dangerous little bend on Leycester Road, which traffic encounters immediately after coming off the A50, sometimes at speed.

It is narrow and there is no pavement. The road is used a lot by walkers, dog-walkers in particular, and children walk home down the road after school.

A neighbour reported this on September 25. She also helpfully reported a nearby light on the A50 which was staying on all day. She suggested that the repair team could fix both lights in one visit.

The A50 light, which was indeed wasting electricity, was fixed within a week.

The Leycester Road light was not.

Since then, the clocks have gone back an hour and light starts to fade around 4pm. Other neighbours have nearly been run down by a car in precisely that spot while out walking at dusk.

A formal complaint about the delay was made on November 13. At the time of writing this letter, November 27, it has still not been fixed.

When it suits them, CEC can fix a street-light within a week. When it doesn’t, it’s two months and counting, despite the dangers involved.

Goodwill? I wish.

Geoff Holman Knutsford