Jodrell Side WI by Pat Alston

The Cheshire Show is over for another year and Jodrell Side WI members produced a bevy of very praiseworthy results again. Three members received full marks: Jean Webb for a beaded tassel,

Dagmar Barnes for her shortbread biscuits and Sheila Wood for her knitted white rabbit. Jean Alcock got a second for her painting and Jean Webb for an embroidered cushion. Third places were achieved by Pat Ingram for a knitted shawl and Dagmar Barnes for a painting. The Alice in Wonderland joint effort was awarded highly commended and the WI showcase, another group effort, gained commended. Several individual entries also gained very creditable points.

Other members helped as stewards at the show and heard many compliments from the public on the standard of work on show.

Members were also involved in Rose day with several helping with the Rose Queen tea. Pat Howitt, Dulcie Dickens-Hughes and Shirley Britton ran the children's Lucky Dip and Bran Tub which is proving to be a popular annual event.

There will be no meeting in August as members are off on their annual summer trip. This year they are visiting Liverpool synagogue and the Blue Coat galleries followed by a trip to the seaside at Crosby to see the Anthony Gormley Sculptures.