PRESIDENT Chris Cameron welcomed members to our April meeting on a beautiful spring evening. Under the guidance of Judy Hargreaves and Leila Suitcliff our centenary banner and bunting is now complete and this was displayed at our meeting.

Business matters were discussed and dealt with and items from the Cheshire News read out.

Notices and various diary dates were given out. Our monthly walk on April 28 will be led by Judy Hargreaves around Goostrey. An invitation had been received from Fulshaw WI to join them on a five-mile walk through Tatton Part on April 25, all funds raised to go to ACWW.

April 23 – Group Meeting at Chelford Village Hall.

April 24 – The Weaver Valley Choir 'Celebration Concert'.

After the tea break our speaker, Mrs Kathleen Pointon, gave a humorous talk whilst demonstrating her painting skills with fabric paints. Members were encouraged to try their hand at this art – which proved harder that it looked.

Our next meeting will be held on May 11. Visitors to our meetings are always welcome.