PAM Cowburn, co-president, welcomed members to the June meeting of Cranford WI and introduced Sally Dyke, a WI adviser, who spoke at the meeting about her role.

The lunch club will meet again in July. The Cheshire Show committee is hard at work on the institute's entry for show.

After the business had been dealt with Pam introduced Ann Gator, who gave a wonderful flower arranging demonstration and a brief history of the language of flowers.

She explained what each flower represented and how, in Victorian times it was important to know how to hold flower. 

For example, to hold a rose upright meant acceptance, while to hold it upside down meant rejection. It was obviously important to know the difference.

The flower arrangements were raffled at the end of the meeting and six lucky members each went home with a lovely floral decoration.

The next meeting is on July 2 at 2pm in the Jubilee Hall, Knutsford. New members and visitors are always welcome.

Pam Cowburn