CHESHIRE Police has warned the public to be vigilant after a number of telephone scamming attempts.

Conmen are posing as representatives of legitimate IT support agencies and contacting members of the public, telling them that their computer contains a virus and asking for credit card details and passwords to fix the problem.

The company involved in the scam was called ‘TechAviators’.

Criminals have already tried to scam three people in Cheshire, two of which were alarmed at the requests made and terminated the call.

However, an elderly victim in Widnes received a call and passed on her bank details to the company who immediately made phone calls demanding hundreds of pounds.

Det Sgt, Peter Kidd, from the economic crime unit, said: “Many people could fall prey to this type of crime.

“We are particularly thinking of those who aren’t technically aware and would unwittingly pass on their personal details, in the belief that there is a problem with their computer or internet connection.

“Be aware of anyone who purports to be from a company such as TechAviators.

“You would be the first person to be aware if your computer had a problem, not a company.”

Anyone who has experienced a similar incident or requires more information, can call Cheshire Police on 0845 458 0000.