UNITED Utilities said a railway sleeper, false teeth, bullets, a motorbike, a wad of bank notes and a dead dog were among items found in its 25,000 miles of sewers.

But people in Knutsford seem to be careful about what they flush down the toilet.

Spokesman Christian Ewen said engineers had found nothing of note in the pipes serving Knutsford.

“That’s definitely a good thing,” he said.

“It shows that people in the Knutsford area know how to dispose of their rubbish properly.”

The company is supporting a national campaign by the Consumer Council for Water to encourage people to use toilets more responsibly.

“Each of us spends three years of our lives on the loo, yet few people think about the hidden world beyond the U-bend,” said engineer Ian Reynolds.

“It's a case of out of sight, out of mind. Flushing away inappropriate items can cause blockages or sewer flooding - which can be an incredibly messy, unpleasant and expensive business.”

For information about disposing of household waste properly go to ccwater.org.uk

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