THE ENGLISH National Ballet’s performance of Manon in Manchester on Friday night was not recommended for anyone under 12.

But the ballet orchestra’s performance earlier that day had an audience full of young children because it was held at Goostrey Primary School.

Fortunately, the orchestra did not perform Kenneth MacMillan’s tragic tale of a love triangle.

Instead they played the theme tune from Postman Pat and music from Star Wars.

Kate Hext, the principal timpanist with the orchestra, whose daughter attends the Goostrey school, asked the children if they knew which orchestra the nine musicians belonged to “Is it the Halle Youth?” asked one child.

“It’s not,” said Mrs Hext. “We’re a bit old for that.”

The orchestra performed music from Romeo and Juliet and Coppelia before asking children how many musicians made up the full orchestra. Children - holding cuddly toys brought from home for Children in Need - raised their hands. “You with the penguin,” said Mrs Hext. “It’s a puffin,” said the boy.

He guessed the answer was 10 and another child thought it was 60.

“It’s a little bit higher than that,” said Mrs Hext.

“26?” ventured a third child.

Musicians demonstrated each arm of the orchestra in turn - strings, brass, woodwind and percussion.

Mrs Hext also showed how the cymbal could be played quietly.

Then she asked whether the children would like to hear it played loudly and all the hands in the room went up.

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