BEAVER Scouts in Holmes Chapel have come home victorious after winning a county-wide challenge.

The 1st Holmes Chapel Scout Beaver group, along with others representing districts across Cheshire, took part in the Beaver County Challenge - a day of fun challenges and adventure.

They were lucky enough to have glorious weather, making the day even more enjoyable with map skills, tracking, recycling, and water carrying challenges.

The day finished with the assistant county commissioner, Ruth Clemson, awarding the trophy to the winning district.

The 1st Holmes Chapel Scout Beaver group of Alderley district was awarded the trophy and were thrilled to win.

Annabel Bush, Beaver leader, said: “It was wonderful to see the Beaver Scouts getting back as a group, working in teams and having the opportunity to make new friends and have fun after the pandemic.

“Opportunities like this help reinforce the benefits and skills that scouting brings to young people and our volunteers.”

If you are interested in joining or volunteering, please look up your local group and see what opportunities they have: