ROSES were in full bloom at Tatton Park this weekend and one Knutsford garden centre was thrilled to scoop up two silver awards.

Fryers Roses, on Manchester Road, displayed its best bedding creations in the innovative design area in the floral marquee.

In the meantime in the back-to-back garden exhibition, Fryers also attracted a crowd of curious flower lovers to their romantic rose garden.

Jill Kerr, Fryers’ trade and business export manager, was keen to show how the display brought something ‘contemporary and different’ to the competition.

She said: “We want to show people that roses are stunning and they’re not hard work at all. Anyone can have a stunning display.”

“With this garden, we tried to go for a romantic feel- to show that it is somewhere you can sit and relax and enjoy the different textures and smells of the roses.

“We also wanted to show what you can do in a small space- the plot is only 6m by 3m. I think what this garden shows-is that it can be created in a small area, but still feel like a lot of garden.”