TWO candidates will fight to represent the ward of High Legh at Cheshire East Council level in next week's elections.

Olivia Hunter will be standing as the Conservative candidate for the Cheshire East Council seat in High Legh after standing in Knutsford recently.

"As Conservative Candidate for High Legh, I was asked if elected, how will you support your communities and, what can you offer those residents you would serve?," she said.

"My answer, if elected, I will earn trust through time. I will attend all parish council meetings, gain knowledge of local issues and listen, learn and act accordingly, on residents behalf, within Cheshire East.

"I said I will be strong and resilient, as I have been for the past seven years as a serving Cheshire East councillor and never walk away from any issue, no matter how small.

My pledge will be, to always put residents first, to give my time as needed and always be involved in the communities I serve.

"Since that meeting last Autumn, I have been true to that pledge, regularly attending Parish Council meetings, listening and discussing residents concerns.

"If elected, I am prepared for the challenges that every day may bring.

"People are my passion, the elderly my concern and as a past employer of many good people, I know that when you 'pull together', you become stronger and more resilient and that’s what Communities are all about and I want to be a part of that."

Nigel Hennerley is the Green Party candidate for High Legh.

"I have had the pleasure of living in the area with my wife Helen for over twenty years," he said.

"I work as an Insurance Assessor.

"My hobbies include hill walking and music, but I think what is more important is what a candidate stands for than if he has two Labrador dogs or not.

"As Neil Young sang last year, 'Who will stand up for the earth' I think it is time we all did.

"With two thirds of conventional oil and gas reserves being required to be left in the ground to avoid catastrophic climate change the way forward is renewables. Sun, Wind and Tide not Fracking. Care of our countryside not toxic contamination."