
  • Community Spirit and its members lauded by housing association

    A KNUTSFORD community group and two of its members have been honoured by a housing association. More than 200 Great Places residents attended a glittering ‘Hollywood-style’ award ceremony at Gorton Monastery this week to celebrate their inspirational

  • Holmes Chapel MP discusses fight against Malaria

    HOLMES Chapel MP Fiona Bruce has welcomed news that the global fight against Malaria is making progress – but fears there is a long way yet to go. Mrs Bruce joined other members of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical

  • Smoking stubbed out across East Cheshire hospitals

    A SMOKING ban will be rolled out across East Cheshire NHS Trust hospitals from Monday, February 3. As of next week, visitors, employees and people who use the trust’s services will not be able to smoke on the grounds of the trust’s three hospitals