I sympathise with the protestations of Jo Carter.  

I think it is wrong for the town council to ignore the views of its residents which it is elected to represent and to take sides with a couple of traders who clearly have a vested interest in having the Artisan market directly outside their premises, particularly when there are several obvious alternatives available.  

Princess Street is the worst place in the town for this market, it is a narrow street and the stalls fill the road.   As a result, the pavements around the stalls are crowded and difficult to access.  

For those trying to negotiate with children in prams, dogs on leads, or anyone with disabilities or in a wheelchair it is particularly difficult, if not impossible.   Apart from that, it completely locks up the town. 

It would be much better to move the market to a more accessible place which would still benefit the traders, improve access for wheelchairs and prams, and increase footfall while minimising the impact on residents.  

I suggest the following options: 

1. The Heath, plenty of room for the stalls leaving all the car parks in the town available

2. The Moor, again leaving all the car parks available

3. The King Street car park as a venue would leave the rest of the town free to continue as usual.

I am quite sure a move to any of these sites would result in a much higher turnout and therefore higher revenue for both stall holders and local traders.  

I also believe that an elected council should listen to the views of its residents before those of the town’s traders and act accordingly. 

David Isaac
