THERE are often letters on leaving the EU, some anonymous, many quoting broken promises.

There were no promises. The Referendum offered citizens an expression of wish as to staying or leaving the EU and the ECJ.

At that point all interested parties could and did lobby, cajole, threaten, persuade according to their particular interests.

After the majority voted to leave the EU the government invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty as is their duty.

It is a short, clear document and allows a transition period of two years to agree and define legal and trade matters for the future.

The current damaging impasse to both sides is caused wholly by the EU’s intransigence.

It fears the loss of a major net benefactor will severely impact its wasteful, ever expanding, backward looking and never audited budget and further political plans.

There are further fears of other dissatisfied states opting out if the EU’s current policies do not change.

Instead of concentrating on the major issues of trade and legality, a host of other easily settled issues are raised again and again.

The way forward is to support our government so we can negotiate from a position of strength and reach mutually satisfactory agreements which are perfectly possible.

We do not wish to damage Europe just to go our own way on some, and by no means all, matters.

Alex Scott Knutsford