I READ Paul Thomson’s letter on why he does not want a second referendum, with some surprise.

I recognise that he fears further divisions, but I fear that that damage is already done and we as a country, need to have a period of critical thinking and deep reflection of where the Brexit route is taking us.

It is perfectly reasonable that people voted Leave for numerous and perfectly legitimate reasons in 2016, but it is equally important to recognise that two and a half years on, the reality will be very different.

If you’re already sick to death of Brexit, you’ve not heard anything yet.

We are literally at the beginning of a process that will take decades to unravel.

Every day for the last two and a half years has been a catalogue of chaos.

So forgive me if I, and millions like me, refuse to get behind the Government.

All possible deals are far worst than the current one the UK enjoys.

And yes, if Parliament doesn’t have the guts to be honest to the British people, and say ‘We’re sorry – we’ve made the most awful mistake’ and vote to withdraw Article 50, then yes, I feel there is no option than another referendum.

But this one needs to be based on costed and truthful calculations of what leaving the world’s most successful trade bloc will actually mean to the average person, the realisation that our freedom of movement will be gone for ever and the implications for our businesses, agriculture, universities and scientific collaborations.

We have ever decreasing options as the clock ticks down to March.

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