MUCH as we may sympathise with the calls for a second referendum, I fear that the exercise of the democratic right of the electorate to reconsider the 2016 vote, far from healing the wounds inflicted on our body, political divisions will deepen and could become dangerous.

There can be little doubt that short of an imaginatively constructive renegotiation of our relationship with the EU, Brexit will do lasting damage economically, socially and politically, as it drains confidence in investment, damages growth, generates shortages of key workers and undermines the integrity of the UK.

The genie is out of the bottle and we must try our very best to secure an agreement that prioritises the lubrication and stimulation of trade and investment, protects and promotes secure, rewarding and worthwhile employment whilst enhancing Britain’s contribution to the collective security, welfare and prosperity of our continental neighbours and friends.

This we owe to the millions of people whose alienation from the fruits of growth and prosperity found expression in rejection of the EU.

A second referendum will do nothing to address this underlying problem.

Paul Thomson Mobberley