FAMILIES are being invited to a special and unique performance taking place to celebrate 25 years of a village hosting rural touring theatre productions.

Goostrey has hosted an eclectic mix of shows since the first in March 1999 and the latest, coming on Saturday, June 15, promises to offer an experience unlikely to be had anywhere in the area.

'Touki' will be performing at the village hall from 7.30pm, offering audiences 'pounding beats, driving grooves and silky voices passing from East to West Africa and across America'.

The duo formed after a chance encounter as buskers years ago on the streets of Bath led to a new musical adventure in 2020.

Amadou Diagne, from Senegal, and French-American Cory Seznec hit it off that spring day years ago, planting the seeds of a future collaboration in their minds.

Life embarked them on different touki (meaning journey in the West African language Wolof), but with the recent support of an Arts Council of England grant, the pair have been able to realise their dream.

They use their traditions and musical knowledge to produce their unique sound and they derive from many influences, and rather than one style, they focus on the journey or 'touki' itself.

Janet Ollier who has been organising the touring theatrical and musical performances in Goostrey over the years, said: “We are really very well supported by the village.

"Our last production at Christmas, the Opera Dudes was totally sold out and our 25th anniversary event Touki promises to be something very special."

Tickets are available from www.ticketsource.co.uk, or, if you need further help, from Janet on 07940 579723, or Sally on 01477 534160.

Prices are £12.50 each or £40 for a family of four.