RESIDENTS living in the Tatton parliamentary constituency can now learn exactly what they will be voting for come July 4's general election.

Parliamentary candidates representing the Conservatives, Labour, the Lib Dems, and the Green Party will be fielding questions at a public husting in Knutsford on Sunday, June 16.

Residents will have a chance to meet the MP hopefuls, and are being asked to submit questions to the organisers ahead of the meetings to put to all the candidates in a BBC Question Time format debate. 

The event will be held at Knutsford Methodist Church on Princess Street, 6pm to 7.30pm, where questioners will put their queries in person, before each candidate set out their party's response.

Participants will be Ryan Jude, Labour; Esther McVey, Conservatives; Jonathan Smith, Liberal Democrats; and Nigel Hennerley, Green Party. The debate will be chaired by Rev Alan Bradley. 

Oliver Speakman, who is standing for Reform UK, has been asked to take part in the hustings, but is yet to confirm his attendance. 

As there will only be time for a select number of questions, these will be picked beforehand, to cover as wide a range of issues as possible.

If you have a question in mind, sent it to by Friday, June 14, along with your name and address. Those whose questions are chosen will be contact before the event.