KNUTSFORD campaigners are demanding Cheshire East Council listen to the hundreds of people who have objected to the controversial 275-home Tatton Bluebell Village scheme.

The officer’s report to next week’s meeting of the strategic planning board recommends the application be approved and refers to about 60 people objecting to the scheme in the latest round of consultation, which took place in March and April of this year.

But residents fighting what one termed ‘the abhorrent plan’ say it is important to consider the views of the hundreds of people who have objected to the proposal since it was first mooted in 2018.

A member of the North Knutsford Community Group  – a group fighting the scheme - told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “The vast majority of the local community are strongly opposed to this application.

“Since this application was first raised in July 2018, there have been five-six iterations and over 370 objections raised on the Cheshire East planning portal.

“More than 60 residents objected during the latest consultation round, which took place in March and April this year including Knutsford Town Council who maintained their previous objection, and the medical centre.

He added: “The local community have made it very clear they object to this application, yet it appears no one is listening to the people of Knutsford or to the local organisations potentially impacted.”

Knutsford Guardian: The application siteThe application site (Image: North Knutsford Community Group)

The application has been mired in controversy since it was first submitted in 2018.

The original scheme proposed for the land off Manchester Road was approved in 2019 by Cheshire East’s strategic planning board.

But the legal agreement was never fully agreed so the application did not get final approval and no decision notice was issued.

On Wednesday (May 29) councillors will consider a revised outline application for up to 275 residential units – of which no more than 250 can be ‘class 3’ houses/homes and a maximum of 50 could be ‘class 2’ care home units.

The latest proposal also includes a local centre which will provide for small retail, café, professional services, takeaways as well as a larger medical/dental facility and 30 per cent affordable housing.

As the application is only for outline permission, no details of house types, design and layout have been submitted.

The objector told the LDRS: “How on earth can an outline with all matters reserved application be recommended for approval by Cheshire East planning when details are not available and the applicant can change everything thereafter.”

Another member of the campaign group said: “The number of objections received from residents is over 370 from 176 households, not including individual institutions and sports clubs.

“Just because Tatton submitted the same plans with minor tweaks, does not negate the fact that the majority of residents do not want Knutsford covered in more concrete.”

The campaigners have listed numerous reasons why the scheme should be refused.

These include the proposed development is not in line with the intended allocation of the site in the local plan; the plans are vague; and there is no need for the additional housing.

They say there is inadequate open space within the development and the proposal should contribute to delivering new sports and leisure facilities for all adjacent sports clubs.

They also said the local infrastructure needs to be improved before Knutsford can take any more houses.

The strategic planning board meeting takes place at 10am at Macclesfield Town Hall on Wednesday, May 29.