A 14-YEAR-OLD singer-songwriter from Knutsford has been given a prestigious performance slot at this year’s Royal Cheshire Show.

Multi-instrumentalist and singer, Elise Higham, will take her place on the Village Green stage both days to perform a mix of original songs and covers from some of her own favourite artists. 

The Knutsford Academy student, who’s also playing the town's music festival in June, was named best vocalist in the East Cheshire Young Musician of the Year competition in January.

Elise said: “I’m so proud to have been invited to perform. I really wasn’t expecting it.

“I get so much joy from singing, and I’m always working on something.

“There’s always some kind of song in my head. It’s a very constant thing.

“My school has really helped with the performance side of things. I had a main role in one of the shows last year, and there are music festivals and competitions every year.

“When I was really little, I was in a choir, and I did piano lessons on top of that for quite a few years.

“But that wasn’t really for me. I like to be a bit more freestyle. I prefer using the piano to accompany myself singing.

“I got my ukelele for Christmas about five years ago, and my dad got me started with a few chords. I’ve also started learning the guitar recently.

“Being on stage gives me such a buzz. It’s pretty surreal.

“In the moment, I don’t really realise I’m doing it. But when I come off stage, I usually have a weird moment when it hits me.

"My parents tell me I get a bit spaced out. Another way of putting it is 'quiet and reflective'. 

“They’re all good feelings though. Everyone gets nerves, but I’m quite lucky as they’re an excited kind of nerves.”

Elise’s own taste in music is broad for one of such tender years, and she spends a lot of her spare time going to gigs with friends and family.

She added: “I really enjoy going to live music. I love people like Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift.

“But I think it’s really important to take inspiration from old music like Amy Winehouse, Billy Joel, people like that.

“My dad was in a band, back in the day. We always have music on in the car, and take turns choosing songs. It’s a great vibe.”

If you want to see what Elise is all about, she will be performing at the Royal Cheshire Show's Village Green stage, at 1.20pm on Tuesday, and 2pm on Wednesday, June 18 and 19. 

She’ll also be opening the Moor outdoor performances on Saturday, June 15, at the Knutsford Musical Festival.