PURSES were stolen from two elderly women.

Cheshire Police are investigating a pair of thefts in the past week.

Both incidents saw purses stolen from women who had withdrawn cash from banks.

In a bid to stop this from happening again, police will be holding a crime prevention stall on Grove Street later this month.

PCSO Lisa Gamble said: “Officers are investigating two incidents in the last week where purses have been stolen in Wilmslow town centre from elderly ladies who had withdrawn cash from banks on May 9 and 15.

“PCSOs will be holding a crime prevention stall on Grove Street between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday, May 25.

“We will have purse bells and keyrings to attach wallets and purses to bags, as well as advice on how to stay safe when out and about.

“There will also be a range of other crime prevention resources.”