A SPECIAL event is being held to mark International Women’s Day.

Knutsford pregnancy and baby yoga teacher Maryline Higham has vowed to help women being persecuted in Afghanistan.

The 40-year-old is raising money for Women for Afghan Women (WAW), an organisation dedicated to protecting and promoting the rights of disenfranchised Afghan women and girls.

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Mum Maryline said: “I first learned of the charity when I heard of a family who had arrived in Manchester having fled Afghanistan.

“The mother was persecuted after the Taliban took over and her life was in danger.

“Her only crime was having had an education and being too smart for the regime’s liking.

“She was deemed too kind, too helpful, too fair to human rights.

“With three young children, the family travelled to England.

“It made me realise how intolerable the situation has become for girls and women in Afghanistan.

“Young girls have had their liberties curtailed, unable to enjoy secondary education or further study.

“Underage marriage is now rife and women are forbidden to socialise publicly without male supervision. Many can no longer work.

"Families have been plunged into poverty."

Maryline is hosting a get together at 7.30pm on Friday, March 8 at Charlton Lodge, the new scout hut on Moorside.

A £10 donation is requested for admission.

To book visit eventbrite.co.uk/e/international-womens-day-charity-event-tickets-854090075407?aff=oddtdtcreator

Maryline said: “Our charity evening will bring together compassionate women who help women.

“Those connected to the therapy world, health and wellness practitioners, local mums and mums-to-be.

“I love bringing people together.

“The event is alcohol free and will conclude with an empowering and uplifting guided meditation.

“Born and raised in France, I have lived and travelled all over the globe.

“Cheshire has been my home for the past 22 years.”

Hot and cold drinks and tasty treats will be provided and guests are asked to bring their own takeaway food or club together for orders and deliveries.