A DRIVER couldn’t believe their eyes when they discovered their car had disappeared in broad daylight.

The owner of a silver Volkswagen Polo parked on Moorside in Knutsford at 12.30pm on Monday, February 5.

Moments later, when they returned, the vehicle wasn’t there.

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Police are now appealing for information to try and identify the thief.

A spokesman for Cheshire Police said: “If you believe you have seen anything or have any CCTV that has captured the offenders, please call 101 and quote ref no. 24000147991.

“Alternatively, you can e-mail the Macclesfield Policing unit mailbox on macclesfield.lpu@cheshire.police.uk.”

Police have offered the following crime prevention tips to drivers.

Always ensure that your vehicle is secure and locked.

Don’t leave valuables in your vehicle.

Consider parking your vehicle in a well-lit, secure area with CCTV.

If your car has a keyless entry, consider buying a faraday bag that blocks the signal preventing thieves from using the signal to get into your car.