A PASSENGER who failed to buy a tram ticket has been hit with a £428 court bill.

Corey Murphy, of Longridge, Knutsford, was unable to produce a valid ticket when requested by an authorised officer at Manchester Victoria on July 6, last year, Manchester Magistrates Court heard.

Magistrates found a charge of entering a Greater Manchester Metrolink vehicle and station without a valid ticket proved when the case was heard on November 20.

The 18-year-old was fined £220 and ordered to pay £120 costs and £88 victim surcharge.

Murphy was given until December 18 to pay the £428 penalty.

Metrolink staff regularly travel across the tram network checking tickets.

Passengers unable to produce a valid ticket during an inspection are given a standard fare notice of £100 which must be paid within 21 days.

If the penalty is paid earlier, within 14 days, a 50 per cent discount is applied, and people should pay £50.

However if passengers fail to pay within 21 days, Metrolink will start legal proceedings to recover the money owed and the amount due will increase.