A HAUL of expensive jewellery has been stolen in broad daylight from a house in Knutsford.

Burglars forced their way into a property on The Mere through a ground floor window.

Intruders then helped themselves to a quantity of high value watches and jewellery.

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The break-in happened on Wednesday, November 22 between 12.30pm and 1pm.

Detectives investigating the burglary are appealing for information.

Residents living nearby are asked to check their CCTV and dashcams for footage which may help identify the culprits.

Anyone who may have seen or heard anyone acting suspiciously is asked to come forward.

Information however small could prove vital and can be reported by calling Cheshire Police on 101, quoting 23001175147.

Alternatively, email macclesfieldlpu@cheshire.pnn.police.uk

A spokesman for Cheshire Police said: “We urge the public to come forward with any information in an effort to help the police with their enquiries.”