CHRISTMAS came to Goostrey on Sunday as the festive lights were switched on.

Villagers of all ages turned out to join the celebration.

A brass band played a selection of jolly Christmas carols on the village green, known locally as the Bog Bean.

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Volunteers offered villagers mulled wine and a selection of cakes from various stalls.

Santa and his sleigh were a big attraction for children.

Knutsford Guardian: The trunk of a mighty beech tree is lit upThe trunk of a mighty beech tree is lit up (Image: John Williams)

Goostrey Parish Council has made changes to the lights after being criticised by some residents as ‘barely existing’ last year.

Improvements included the addition of a large tree-shaped decoration in place of the larch tree being dressed overall with lighting, that drew most of the negative comments.

Knutsford Guardian: Villagers enjoyed mulled wine as a brass band playedVillagers enjoyed mulled wine as a brass band played (Image: John Williams)

The trunk of the mighty beech tree and its upper branches have been wrapped in warm, white lighting as the main feature of the Christmas display.

The amenities committee of parish council will review the lights in the New Year to see if further work and funding is necessary.