A FAMILY barbecue launched the first fundraiser of the year for the mayor of Knutsford.

Scouts cooked burgers and sausages and local businesses provided food and drink.

The event was held in the garden of the council offices with lawn games for children and a licensed bar.

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More than £400 was raised for the mayor’s two charities.

Knutsford Guardian: 1st Knutsford Scouts cooked burgers and sausages on a barbecue1st Knutsford Scouts cooked burgers and sausages on a barbecue (Image: Knutsford Town Council)

The first good cause is Knutsford Men’s Shed, a community space for men to connect, converse and create.

Knutsford GROW, which provides gardening services for people not able to tend their own gardens and opportunities for volunteers to deliver a community service is the second charity.

Knutsford Guardian: Leaders joined scouts to cook food on the barbecueLeaders joined scouts to cook food on the barbecue (Image: Knutsford Town Council)

Mayor Cllr Peter Coan said: “This was a great first fundraiser of my mayoral term.

"It was absolutely wonderful. The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed it.

“It was great to see lots of both new and familiar faces.

“The rain stayed away and a huge thank you to 1st Knutsford Scouts for their help and support on the evening.

Knutsford Guardian: Guests enjoyed a relaxing evening in the council gardenGuests enjoyed a relaxing evening in the council garden (Image: Knutsford Town Council)

“The scouts cooked a delicious barbecue and we had activities for children, including hula hoops and a giant Connect 4 game.

“Around 60 people attended and everyone went off home happy and full.”

Curzon Knutsford was thanked for donating a raffle prize.