CONCERNS have been raised about the impact a proposed new three-storey house could have on a historic Knutsford monument.

Plans have been submitted to Cheshire East Council to build a five-bedroom property on land off Chelford Road, opposite Toft Cricket Club and within the Legh Road conservation area.

According to a design and access statement, submitted as part of the application, the proposal has been 'carefully considered to create a dwelling sympathetic to the surrounding area'.

But the plans have been met with objections, one of which surrounds the negative impact they could have on the Knutsford Obelisk.

The grade-II listed monument, which dates back to 1745, sits at the gateway to the town and has recently been repaired and revealed thanks to work from Knutsford Town Council.

Objecting on Cheshire East's planning portal, one resident in nearby Leycester Road, said: "As drivers come into Knutsford from the south they are greeted by a beautiful green gateway of mature trees, hedges and shrubs which screen the housing on the left.

"There are more mature trees, greenery and the community asset of Toft Cricket Club on the right.

"The site is immediately adjacent to the Knutsford Obelisk. A feature that has been attractively renovated in recent years thanks to the efforts of Knutsford Town Council and caring residents.

Knutsford Guardian: An artist's impression of the new propertyAn artist's impression of the new property (Image: BA Architects)

"The proposal is to cut away and reduce lots of greenery to provide access to a new house and build a new driveway.

"Once the greenery has been cleared the proposal is to build a large, white, incongruous house, immediately behind the obelisk. This would create a very different backdrop to the obelisk than there has ever been, or in our view ever should be.

"This is clearly not a case of 'nimbyism'. The opposition to the proposal is broadly felt and the desire to maintain and improve the character of the Legh Road Conservation Area is shared across the majority of the community."

Other objectors to the plans include Knutsford Town Council, Toft Cricket Club and South Knutsford Residents Group as well as nearby residents.

Further objections raise concerns of overdevelopment on the site, the loss mature trees and the potential danger of the proposed new access.

A heritage statement, submitted as part of the application, says: "The application site sits within the setting of the grade-II listed obelisk.

Knutsford Guardian: An early postcard showing the obeliskAn early postcard showing the obelisk (Image: Newsquest)

"Whilst an important structure of evidential, aesthetic, and historic interest, its overall significance and historical and aesthetic association regarding the application site is not considered to be a key issue.

"It is not considered the setting of this asset would be harmed because of the proposed new dwelling."

The design and access statement adds: "The proposal is to maintain an access to the site from Chelford Road but relocate the position further away from the junction creating a wider joint access.

"The new dwelling will offer well-presented accommodation in keeping with the area. The property will include adequate parking along with private rear garden.

"The style, mass and appearance of the proposal has been carefully considered to create a dwelling sympathetic to the surrounding area.

"The proposed dwelling contributes towards enhancing the local character of the area."

To view the plans, search reference 21/4595M on Cheshire East's planning portal.