A WOMAN has bared all and turned her body into a canvas to highlight a crippling condition that leaves her in agony.

Becci Morris, from Knutsford, has battled for 15 years for a diagnosis.

The 28-year-old says she visited her GP, went to A&E and saw hospital specialists on more than 30 separate occasions, before finally being told last year that endometriosis was behind her excruciating pain.

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Comparing the feeling to ‘broken glass being thrown around inside me’, Becci was also told the disabling disease had almost certainly already caused infertility.


Becci, a researcher in animal genetics at the University of Wolverhampton, said since the age of 12 her periods had caused pain so extreme she vomits and almost loses consciousness.

Over time, her symptoms worsened, and for the last five years she has suffered constant pain.

Two years ago, the reptile and amphibian expert developed neurological leg pain so severe she sometimes has to use a wheelchair, despite taking heavy medication.

Becci also requires accessible toilets as she says she has to perform breathing exercises to get through bowel and bladder movements.

An MRI finally revealed the extent of her deep infiltrating endometriosis.

A scan showed multiple cysts and lesions, the tethering of both ovaries to each other and to her uterus, which was stuck to her bowel.

Becci said the specialist told her to come off the pill as the damage to her reproductive system was so great she had almost zero chance of becoming pregnant Becci is now waiting for essential surgery which will relieve some of her pain.

But after 12 months, she faces a further six months' wait, as the surgeon who was due to complete her operation has left the UK.

Missing at least a day a month of work, she is currently talking to occupational health about the possibility of being recognised as disabled.

To raise awareness, Becci signed up for a project called Endomorphosis for Endometriosis Action Month.

The creative venture, run by Cabasa Carnival Arts, saw 10 women from the north west who are living with endometriosis turn their bodies into canvases.

The women, aged between 20 and 39, worked with body painters to translate their feelings about endometriosis into a living artwork.

The pictures captured by photographer Eveline Ludlow are on display in Manchester.

Emily Wood is the organisation's artistic director and also has endometriosis.

The 40-year-old said: “Your whole body goes through so much.

“For me it led to negative thoughts and feelings that became detrimental to my mental health and wellbeing.

"Endometriosis is a whole-body disease, both physically and mentally, so I wanted to create a project which represented that.

“Delivering this project myself as an artist and painting women who have been on a similar journey and seeing them transform was even more powerful than I could have imagined.

"We have brought together a group of incredible women with endometriosis.

“In these collaborative sessions, participants shared their experiences and explored how body painting could best represent them and their stories.

"We finished the project with a day of body painting and captured some amazing and powerful images, which participants can hold onto forever."

Becci said: "I wanted to get involved with this project as I’m very open to anything that might help me living with endo.

“I also wanted to meet other people with this same mindset.

"Initially, I was self conscious about the pictures.

"I noticed every imperfection in my body and face.

“Because my body causes me so many problems and is in pain almost all of the time, I have very negative feelings about my body as the thing I have to live in.

"But when I saw the pictures in the gallery, the self consciousness fell away.

“I felt proud that my photo looked defiant, like I’m taking a stand against my disease and not letting it overwhelm me.

“It made me feel strong in spite of my suffering.

"Being painted, it felt like my body temporarily changed from being my enemy to being a canvas for something beautiful.

“Being painted alongside other endo sufferers also helped me feel both shared suffering and shared beauty, which was empowering."

Endometriosis affects more than 1.5 million people in the UK.

Next month, Cabasa Carnival Arts will be working with a second group of people living with endometriosis to create a further series of images.

The body art will be captured by photographer Sharon Latham.

Anyone wishing to take part can visit cabasacarnivalarts.com/endomorphosis/take-part/

Endometriosis causes cells similar to the ones in the lining of the womb to be found elsewhere in the body.

Each month these cells react in the same way to those in the womb, building up and then breaking down and bleeding.

Unlike the cells in the womb that leave the body as a period, this blood has no way to escape and causes pain, scarring and inflammation.

Symptoms can include chronic pain, fatigue, painful intercourse and infertility.

An inquiry published in 2020 found that it takes on average eight years from the onset of symptoms to get a diagnosis.

Endomorphosis is at Gallery Oldham until March 25.

Entry is free and opening hours are Tuesday to Saturday, from 10am to 5pm.