A TASTE of the continent on the streets of Knutsford was so successful, future events are now being planned.

Three evenings of alfresco dining, two on King Street and one on Minshull Street, attracted lots of families and friends to eat outside.

Knutsford Town Council co-ordinated the event during September to give restaurants, pubs and cafes a post lockdown boost.

It was a chance for the local hospitality industry to recoup trade lost during the pandemic.

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Councillors are now asking residents for ideas of what they would like to see next summer.

A spokesman for Knutsford Town Council said: "Each evening was well supported by families and dogs visiting in their droves.

"The council funded the road closure orders and traffic management required to close the roads whilst venues arranged their tables and chairs.

"The evenings were organised to minimise any disturbance for town centre residents and to ensure as many hospitality venues as possible could take part.

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"Ideas for future events include hosting individual alfresco evenings for part of each street - King Street, Minshull and Princess Street - and the council welcomes residents’ views on the evenings."

Seho Karakas, owner of Café on the Corner, said: “We were absolutely delighted with our first alfresco dining evening. We saw customers old and new.

"The weather was better than in August and it was great working alongside our Minshull Street neighbours Project 53 and La Casa Del Habano.

"If this was repeated next year, we would definitely take part."

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Picture: Seho Karakas Cafe on the Corner

The events and town centre management committee will be discussing further alfresco dining evenings for summer 2022 at its meeting on Monday, November 8 at 7.30 pm.