KNUTSFORD is ready to welcome back shoppers to the town centre today as non-essential shops reopen alongside outside hospitality, gyms, hairdressers and beauty salons.

Sandra Curties, town centre and marketing officer at Knutsford Town Council, said: “As this is the third re-opening of the town our shops and businesses are extremely experienced with keeping their customers and staff safe.

"Social distancing and PPE will be in force in line with government guidelines and we urge shoppers to show kindness and consideration when visiting our local businesses all of which have been through a rollercoaster of a year.

"Not only will this ensure their own safety it will help us move forward to the next stage of unlocking in May rather than back."

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A series of posters have been specially designed by the council in conjuction with Bella Marketing and Design to remind shoppers to continue to follow Covid safety rules.

The message will be Be Kind for Knutsford and remind pepole to shop locally, hands face space, observe the guidelines and protect our community.

The posters will be on display throughout the town.

The council is also installing external sanitiser stations across the town centre to ensure that shoppers can easily keep their hands sanitised whilst supporting local businesses.

Each station is being handmade by town ranger Bob Garner.

To add an air of celebration and hope for the gradual easing of restrictions the town bunting will be installed early this year and visitors are urged to look out for the cuckoo in the nest trail.