GARDENING charity Knutsford GROW is inviting shoppers to support the organisation with a few extra clicks on their computers.

The charity helps local frail and disabled people with their gardens, and can now benefit from your purchases.

Shoppers using Amazon can now ask Smile.Amazon to make an automatic donation of 0.5 per cent of their purchases to Knutsford GROW at no cost to themselves.

GROW trustee Neil Forbes said: “GROW is very grateful for every penny it receives to help with its costs in these difficult days.

“For a couple of extra clicks on a computer shoppers can help almost automatically, both now and in the build-up to Christmas.

“GROW will receive a donation from Amazon to help with our costs, and those pennies will add up, to be used solely to help with GROW's costs. All our trustees and volunteer gardeners are unpaid.”

See GROW’s website, or go direct and get shopping via, and fill in GROW's charity number 1091285 when asked.