Knutsford Guardian - Memorials

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In Memoriam


Published on 15/08/2024

REGAN Tom 7th Anniversary. 15th August 2024 Remembering with much love, Tom a wonderful Husband, loving Dad and doting Grandad. Husband you were my world, you meant everything to me, the love I have for you now will last eternally. I miss your warmth, I miss your strength, I miss your lovely smile, I wish I could see your face again even for a little while. Thankyou for your devoted love that helps me through each day and for all the precious memories that will never fade away. I hope you have felt at peace since we had to say goodbye, in my heart I know that we will be together in time. Loved and remembered each and every day from Bernadette, Caroline, Gregory and the late Christopher and grand children R.I.P.


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