Knutsford Guardian - Memorials

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In Memoriam

Tom Regan

Published on 11/08/2022

REGAN Tom 5th Anniversary. 15th August 2022 Remembering with much love, Tom a wonderful Husband, loving Dad and doting Grandad My heart still aches with sadness. The secret tears still fall. What it meant to lose you. No-one will ever know. Your resting place I visit. Your flowers I place with care. No-one knows the heartache. When I have to leave you there. Yours always, Bernadette. A Golden Heart stopped beating. Your tender arms at rest. God took you home to prove to us. He only takes the best. A Dad much loved & greatly missed by Christopher RIP, Caroline & Gregory. We miss you Grandad. Love Ivor, Charlotte, Ernest, Olivia, Kian, Olipegs, Noah and Lucy.


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