“GEORGE, it’s time to talk” was the bold headline on the front page of the Knutsford Guardian.

The Knutsfordian concurs. Knutsford’s MP and Chancellor needs to re-connect with his electorate.

The Knutsfordian recognises that having the job of Chancellor of the Exchequer is demanding and, as such, “minor” constituency concerns such as worries about fracking, worries about the A556 relief road, etcetera are devolved to his “team”.

HS2 concerns are dealt with in similar fashion. Yet Mr Osborne continues to claim he is “always available to meet with constituents”.

Mr Osborne’s answer is to meet parish, town and Cheshire East Councils on Friday, December 13 to discuss constituents’ concerns. A date deemed unlucky for some.

In this case The Knutsfordian predicts it will be unlucky for the Tatton constituents concerned about their lives, the environment and their well-being.

Mr Osborne has set aside a whole hour for this meeting. Sixty minutes to discuss a project which will affect his constituents’ lives for the next 20 years.

HS2 Ltd, the company charged with throwing our money at the project, were at Tatton Park running information events about the development.

The Knutsfordian did not attend.

He did not wish to pay to drive into the park, nor did he wish to catch a bus outside Knutsford Court on ‘Toff Road’.

Yes, these undoubtedly highly-skilled marketeers, can’t get a street name correct.

Meanwhile UKIP came to Knutsford.

Having announced its plans to launch a branch of its “we’re against everything” party in the town in this august publication, The Knutsfordian was surprised to find a leaflet on his doormat proclaiming the meeting was in fact an anti-HS2 meeting.

Many of The Knutsfordian’s fellow attendees at the meeting were confused as they thought it was an anti-HS2 meeting and when the politics began they, along with The Knutsfordian, made their excuses and left PS Did you know it was Small Business Saturday on December 7? Nor did The Knutsfordian until he stumbled across it on twitter.

It was supported by Cheshire East who played its usual role in failing to promote the initiative. Tatton MP George Osborne knew all about it. He spent Small Business Saturday in Burnham. It would have been nice to see him spend the day supporting small businesses in Tatton.

PPS The Knutsfordian trusts the tills will “ring ting tingle-ing ding” on Thursday evening as the town’s retailers throw open their doors until 10pm.

Ms Pole has polished her credit card in anticipation of fabulous offers, entertainment and carolling. The Knutsfordian is looking forward to his roasted nuts.