SO Lord Peter Holt thinks that this paper’s opinion page should only print local opinions on local issues, Guardian August 30, and no more on Brexit to be read over his breakfast.

Well how about this for local starters: Cheshire East Council cutting care for the elderly and vulnerable and switching off street lights while spending thousands and thousands of local taxpayers money on investigating top executives who are suspended on full pay.

Now for the main course.

Cheshire East are currently facing several ongoing police investigations and there have been calls for the Government to place the council under special measures.

They have been accused of paying care workers below the minimum wage and criticised for leasing a very expensive car to ferry council officials around, just because it was built in Cheshire (it seems ‘austerity measures’ are for the rest of us and I thought we were ‘all in this together’) Maybe they could use the car to help local people who have had their local bus stopped?

With no apology, I return to Brexit, as it is more important than ever to talk about what will be a huge event in our history.

What about the overspend of organisations promoting Brexit and the lies we were told by Brexiteers, or should we keep quiet?

Most people will have an experience of the consequences of not talking about things.

The opinion page is for all people of varying opinions, not just issues that help Lord Holt’s digestion.

A local taxpayer Name and address supplied