I WRITE concerning the recent decision of the government planning inspector to halt and consider withdrawing Cheshire East’s local plan.

This is a matter of great importance to everyone living in the borough and underlies the perilous state of the current administration.

I suggest that the planning department under political control starts enforcing the various conditions that would make it more challenging for developers to build on unsustainable sites.

One of these would be the percentage of social housing on these developments, even smaller ones of fewer than ten properties.

Another would be insisting on public transport, renewable energy and other environmental measures such as cycling, green and common space provision with mandatory speed restrictions for all vehicles entering any new residential site.

These measures would go some way towards impeding unwarranted incursions into our valuable countryside and converting this calamity into an opportunity to improve the borough’s environmental sustainability.

Dr Peter Hirst Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Congleton