I’m in mourning for the loss of a favourite shrub, a beautiful, unusual Pieris about 18 inches high displaying deep maroon, glossy leaves.

Some selfish, smug, cowardly thief stole it in the night and on Sunday morning I awoke to find soil scattered on the lawn and a square gaping hole in the front border.

In the grand scale of things in our wonderful, sometimes troubled world, a stolen plant is of minor relevance but how pathetic to actually dig out a small, defenceless shrub, however attractive.

I felt embarrassed to ring Cheshire Police on the non-emergency number 101 but they welcomed my crime report and need to know about other plant thefts around Knutsford to identify a trend.

No doubt there were more incidents on Saturday night and I know our garden community groups have despaired at the theft of freshly planted bedding plants in recent years.

So be warned garden lovers, protect your front gardens and apologies for the boring plant that will replace our lovely Pieris. And to the thief...please STOP.

Mrs K Clay Blackhill Lane Knutsford