THE Vice President Kathryn Whitlow opened the meeting with a warm welcome to Betty Dixon and Yvonne.

Within the business section of the meeting members were told about the Cheshire Federation Centenary Bursaries. The deadline to apply is June 11.

The Beetle Drive and Supper tickets are available from committee members and will take place on April 29. With the business concluded the speaker for the evening James Rivers and his assistant Alan were introduced with a talk entitled 'Tasting of Wiltshire Farm Foods'.

Before the meeting had started several dishes had been placed into the oven to cook and were now brought into the room and placed on the table for everyone to try.

Wiltshire Farm Foods produce approximately ten million meals every year and all the ingredients they try to source within a 40-mile radius of the kitchens in Wiltshire. Each meal is prepared, cooked and then frozen all within 15 to 20 minutes. The meals are aimed at the over-70s and are healthy, balanced dishes to meet all the different dietary needs. The packaging states if the dish is low fat, gluten free, low salt or high in protein. There are three different meal sizes you can order mini, main or a hearty meal. The delivery men are handpicked to be courteous and helpful. Not only do they deliver the meals but also help with little jobs such as collecting the post or bringing the bins in.

A vote of thanks was given by Kathryn Whitlow.

The tea hostesses Sandra Crook and Pat Bowker served refreshments and Wiltshire Farm Foods provided the cake and very good it was too.

The competition for an old kitchen utensil was won by Ann Cannon, second Joyce Kirkpatrick and third Helen Brown. The Vice President reminded everyone that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday May 27 when the speaker will be Mark Webb with a talk entitled 'Charity Work Done In Africa Supporting Young Footballers'. The competition will be for any football item.