THE president Joyce Kirkpatrick opened the meeting welcoming the members plus visitor Helen Carey MBE and speaker Sam Scales. Two members, Maureen Whittaker and Sue MacMillan celebrate their birthdays in the month of March and were wish happy birthday.

Helen Carey spoke about the charity commission new rules and regulation with regards to finance.

The speaker for the evening Sam Scales was introduced with a talk entitled Exotic Pet Rescue. Sam talked about how from a very early age she had always been surrounded by animals and at the age of six had been involved in her first pet rescue of an Irish Setter.

Sam talked about the importance of doing research about any pet before it is bought. All too often, the RSPCA asks if she will take in terrapins which have grown too large for families to cope with.

Prospective buyers of any pet need to research the animal before even considering a purchase. It is too late once you have bought the pet to then realise that it will grow to 5ft long or longer when fully grown.

Among the animals Sam had brought with her to show the members there was an iguana called Mojo, a terrapin and a very large snake.

Sam took the animals out of their boxes and encouraged members to stroke them. This was definitely a first for the members of Pickmere WI.

Sam is aware the public needs to be educated about exotic pets and to try and help the situation has set up Scales ‘N’ Tails Exotic Pet Rescue for the rehoming and rehabilitating of exotic animals. She also provides animal encounter parties, education packages and exotic pet sitting care.

A vote of thanks for a very interesting talk was given by Joyce Kirkpatrick.

Refreshments provided by Ann Rowe and Gill Wragg were served. The competition for a photograph of a pet was won by June Linton, with Sheila Martin second and Kathryn Whitlow in third. The raffle was drawn and the winner announced as Joyce Kirkpatrick.

The president reminded the members that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 22, when the speaker will be James Rivers with a talk entitled Tasting of Wiltshire Farm Foods.

The competition will be for an old kitchen utensil.