CO-PRESIDENT, Eileen Podmore welcomed members to the 31st birthday meeting of Cranford WI.

She announced the lunch club will meet on March 25 at 12:30 in the Courtyard Cafe, Knutsford.

The Spring Group meeting will be on April 23 at 7.30pm at Chelford Village Hall, tickets £5.

The guest speaker for the afternoon was Mary Gracie who gave an interesting talk about the history of Knutsford which she illustrated with old postcards of the area. Vice-president, Judyth Fryer gave the vote of thanks.

Co-presidents, Eileen Podmore and Pam Cowburn cut the institute birthday cake, made and beautifully decorated by Sheila Jamieson.

The competition winner was Dorothy Drinkwater, 2. Eileen Podmore; 3. Christine Timms.

The next meeting will be on April 1, at 2pm in the Jubilee Hall, Knutsford. New members and visitors are always welcome.