Co-president, Pam Cowburn welcomed members to the February meeting of Cranford WI.

She announced that the book club will meet in Booths Café today, February 11 at 10.30am.

Institute group rep, Judyth Fryer, announced that the spring group meeting will be on April 23 at 7.30pm in Chelford Village Hall.

The president introduced Jo Rose, the speaker for the meeting from the charity "Knutsford Good Neighbours" who spoke about the wonderful work done by the organisation in taking people who would otherwise find it extremely difficult , to doctors, dentists and hospital appointments.

The charity has been operating for 14 years and has helped over 14,000 people in that time. Judyth gave the vote of thanks.

The next meeting will be on March 04, at 2pm in the Jubilee Hall, Knutsford. New members and visitors are always welcome.