CHAIRMAN, Chris Williams, welcomed everyone to the May meeting of Goostrey Flower Club.

She began by reminding members to book places at the following events: the workshop at Lower Withington on May 29; the demonstration at Congleton Theatre by Jonathan Moseley on June 10; the Cheshire Area Social Day on July 3 at Frodsham, and the summer trip to Ness Gardens.

The club summer lunch will be held on August 14, venue to be announced later.

National Demonstrator Bill Dixon, thoroughly entertained with his demonstration entitled, ‘Just William’. Bill, while giving hysterical tales about his life and travels, filled the stage with flowers.

At last year’s NAFAS competitions he received ‘Best in Show’, and this year will represent England in the WAFA Show in Dublin.

He is also involved as a designer in a Flower Festival at Winchester Cathedral in June 2015. He was warmly thanked by Anne Keates.

Foyer flowers were arranged by Connie Lea.

The next meeting is on June 12, Karen Schofield will be demonstrating ‘Garden Party’. The competition is ‘The Heart of Summer’.

Visitors are welcome to join in to watch a flower demonstration, have a cup of tea and socialise with other members.

Meetings are held in Village Hall, Goostrey on the second Thursday of each month, except August and December, at 2pm for 2.30pm.

Sue Mansfield