I WRITE this month’s reflection as I am preparing for a feast of pancakes at our Messy Church Pancake Party with local young families.

Not to mention the pancakes that my wife and I share together in our home!

Shrove Tuesday marks the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, when we begin to reflect upon the significance of Easter and the death of Christ upon the Cross.

Having enjoyed our pancakes, Lent is traditionally also a time of making our own sacrifice in giving up chocolate, or eating in a more simple way and giving a gift to those in need.

It is good to reflect at this time of year upon what is important to us in life and even upon the meaning of life.

After the recent visit of former convict Darrell Tunningley, we launched an Alpha course at the Methodist Church, where a whole group of almost 60 people have met for a meal, presentation and time of conversation about life.

This has been so successful, that we are also hosting an Alpha course after Easter on a Monday evening.

Alongside our Real Lives Festival from March 21 to 24 with guests such as Fiona Castle (wife of Roy), Robin Oake (father of murdered police officer Stephen), Freddie Kofi (songwriter) and Dan Walker (BBC Football Focus) means there are important opportunities for people to reflect upon life, as we prepare for Easter during this season of Lent.